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 "Then saith He unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His harvest."

--Mathew 9:37-38

Come Receive Your
Greater Harvest

Minister Mario Steele

Minister Mario Steele is a family man from the Bahamas and an intrigal part of the ministry. An avid published writer, and community activist, Minister Mario seeks to change the hearts and lives of those around him, to make them understand the love of God. Producer and Creator of the hit  show Bible or Babel, this man of God desires to see the glory of God made manifest in everyone he encounters. 

Pastor Que Chambers

Pastor Que has been serving the Lord for many years and has been Pastoring for the past six at Greater Harvest, helping to win souls with his faithfulness and excellent leadership.  He aids in the Brothers and Sisters Withouth Homes initiative. A firm believer in Business helping to build the Kingdom, Pastor Que is a successful entrepreneur and family man who supports Kingdom building with a Kingdom mindset. 

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Meet Our Pastor

Talibah currently serves as Pastor of Greater Harvest Deliverance Ministries. She is affectionately known as Pastor T. She graduated from Christ Central Institute Wagener, SC with an Associates degree in Community Missions. Talibah has served in ministry for over 20 years. She served as Youth Director, Teacher, Worship Leader, Missionary and sound engineer.The music she creates is birthed out of a heart of love for God and His people. The mission behind her work both pastorally and musically is to reach those in the community, others have cast aside.


Talibah’s ministry has taken her from a small town in Ohio, to the great state of North Carolina, Talibah and Greater Harvest Deliverance Ministries, are located in Raleigh, NC. Talibah with her pragmatic style preaching, is deliberate in sermon selection as well as lyric selection for her music.


Talibah's  first single entitled “On This Day”. This compilation is a peace that speaks to the day Christ was born. It is a beautiful worship melody. The song stays with you and recenters the day Christ was born back on Him. Talibah is anointed for ministry, and music and ministry is a demonstration of that.

Pastor Talibah Petway

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